Wednesday 4 May 2011

Points to be made for questions below...

PRODUCTION who makes the media texts?
traditional film studios vs new studios
it hasn't changed very much BECAUSE old media still dominates globally
processes of production have been cut out due to digital technology - changed to digital from physical film (cutting vs digital editing)
fewer movies are being made but the ones that are made are big blockbuster films e.g. Captain America- more formulaic
the films are spectacles, they have invested a lot into 3D films, as they bring people back to the cinema, less chance of piracy as well
higher production costs which keep other companies out of competition

DISTRIBUTION how does it reach the audience?
online promotions/ virals
new media producers - cuts costs, enables global plant floor, collaboration Wikinomics - Tapscott and Williams

CONSUMPTION who is the audience? how do they consume media?
streaming, pirate bay, downloads, Piracy - threat
youtube, Michael Wesch Collapse of Context, Cultural Inversion, Participation Culture.

MEDIA IMPERIALISM - a theory based upon an over-concentration of mass media from larger nations as a significant variable in negatively affecting smaller nations, in which the national identity of smaller nations is lessened or lost due to media homogeneity inherent in mass media from the larger countries.
see Antonio Gramsci - Cultural Hegemony : Cultural hegemony is the philosophic and sociological concept, originated by the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci, that a culturally-diverse society can be ruled or dominated by one of its social classes. It is the dominance of one social group over another, e.g. the ruling class over all other classes. The theory claims that the ideas of the ruling class come to be seen as the norm; they are seen as universal ideologies, perceived to benefit everyone whilst really benefiting only the ruling class.

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